This Implement Oracle Workflow course teaches you concepts and features of Oracle Workflow. It also covers the benefits of using Oracle Workflow in an e-business environment
Design a workflow process using Oracle Workflow Builder
Describe how Oracle Workflow with the Business Event System enables business process definition, automation, and integration
Respond to notifications
Monitor the status of a runtime workflow process
Define subscription-based processing for business events
Implement advanced workflow process design features
Define specialized worklist views using worklist flexfields
Set up and administer Oracle Workflow for a site
Workflow Processes
Monitoring Workflow Processes
Workflow Notifications
Oracle Workflow Directory Service
Defining Business Event System Processing
Workflow Engine
Oracle Workflow APIs
Workflow Administration
Customizing Workflow Processes
12.2 Product Hub
System Setup
Implementing Role-Based Security
Setting Up Item Classes
Creating Items
Using Style and SKU Items
Item Maintenance
Managing Structures
Using the Product Workbench
Administering Item Business Rules
Publishing Data to Other Systems
Using Import Workbench